EPC & Contracting Services

Our services include:
Extensive experience in the oil & gas and petroleum industry, which processes, stores and transports products such as crude oil, natural gas and liquefied natural gas (LNGs), production water and Sulphur recovery.
Our Capabilities:
- Crude oil and chemical storage tanks
- Produced water treatment plants
- Crude oil and gas pipelines
- Produced water pipelines
- Petrochemical projects
- Pumping stations
- Degassing stations
- Compressor stations
- Crude oil export terminals and jetties
Our Specialty:
- Development of detailed project plans
- Managing the professional team, consultants, suppliers and contractors
- Detailed engineering and management of the procurement process
- Project scheduling and time management
- Cost control and planning management
- Site Construction – civil, mechanical and E&IC works
- Project commissioning and handover
Experience in water treatment services projects.
Our Capabilities:
- Pre-treatment – Ultra, Nano and micro-filtration, multimedia, activated carbons, cartridge filtration
- Reverse Osmosis – Incorporating energy efficiency and water recovery technologies for sea, brackish and reuse water. Ultra-high recovery processes
- Post-treatment – Calcite, lime, carbon dioxide, pH adjustment
- Disinfection – Ozonation, chlorination, ultra-violet treatment
- Demineralization – Ion exchange, electro-deionization
- Waste water treatment – Membrane bio reactors
- Desalination of Brackish or Sea Water for Potable Use
- Treating Process Water for Environmental Discharge
Our Specialty:
- High level quality control. Delivery to client expectations
- Whole process approach. The right technical approach. Guaranteed process & operational performance
- Long term performance & reliability.
- Spare parts & consumables.
- Reverse Osmosis, pre-treatment
- Micro-filtration, Reverse Osmosis
- Micro-filtration, Reverse Osmosis, Electro Deionization
- Desalination of brackish of sea water for potable use Water for construction & Processing
Experience in power generation and distribution projects.
Our Capabilities:
- Power plant projects on EPC Basis (BTG and BOP islands)
- Power boilers
- Electrical, instrumentation & control Systems
- Balance of plants (BOP)
- EPC of switchyards
- Power evacuation, transmission & distribution
- Erection, testing and commissioning services
- Operation & maintenance of all above projects on LTSA or stand alone basis
- Preventive and scheduled maintenance
Our Specialty:
- Boilers
- Diesel generator sets
- Hydroelectric generators
- Steam and gas turbines
- Transformers and switchgears
- Overhead power transmission lines
- Substations and switchyards
- Solar energy